Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Minimizing Apps is Confusing

When you minimize a window on a mac it floats down into this icon area and you can't even tell what it is anymore. So for example, if I minimize more than 2 browser windows, I have a 50/50 chance of maximizing the correct one at a later time. On Windows the odds would be 100%. Now if you think this is bad, not only is it hard to tell what program it is, but I can't get to it any other way other than clicking the unknown thumbnail icon. So if I try to alt-tab to it, I can't. I might never have any idea it is even there if my taskbar is set to auto-hide. This is probably one of the dumbest "innovations" by anyone ever.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Tiger, you are an artard, why minimise it? just leave it and open a new window. when you want to change windows hit f9 and it will present you with all the options.
Or if you are desperately stuck in the paradigm of minimising roll your pointer across and it will give you a huge view of the file. if it you still cant see it remove your boyfreinds balls from your mouth and you could probably see it then.